They get two claw attacks, with the possibility of adding tail spikes on a natural 16+ roll or a single bite attack that does extra damage against creatures suffering from poison, These two attack options utilize some of the best 13th Age monster mechanics by leaving some up to luck (16+), some up to GM (claw or bite) but making it clear when a monster would use each attack without needing a paragraph on The Tactics of the Manticore. Backstory blurb in the 13th Age core book is pretty crazy and awesome, but I'm only covering stuff that you can get for free, so let's ignore it (but it's good, I promise). Gets poisonous tail spikes, crushing leonine jaws and wings, which seem pretty iconic. Overall an entirely worthy Manticore entry. It's Dungeon World, so the stats are simple and easy to implement. (If you're playing the Antagonist Relations Drinking Game, take a drink for "Zack uses double plus unironically") Backstory blurb and impulse "Rip something apart" plus Messy tag cast them as a freak magical creature cobbled together by crazed wizards, which is double plus cool. Gets a stinger and the impulse "Poison them" and wings making it seem fairly iconic. It's changes I like, so I'll probably make use of them when I use the creatures in 5e and update the posts with any notes or discoveries. I haven't play-tested these at all, so they're entirely theoretical. Standard disclaimers apply and all that nonsense.
How uninspiring is it? So uninspiring that the Giant Scorpion, which is also a CR 3 monster, is more dynamic but also might be overpowered, which is why covering that monster in this post as well. Head of a man, with three rows of fangs, body of a lion, wings of a dragon (not pictured above), spiked tail that shoots spines like arrows and per legendarily accurate information source, Wikipedia, " It devours its prey whole and leaves no clothes, bones, or possessions of the prey behind." So imagine my (lack) of surprise when the D&D 5e Manticore is completely. gelatinous cube fight and now an order of wizard experimenters who call themselves the Millenary Order of the Manticore.
I've had Manticores on my mind lately, primarily due to my Planarch Codex pick up game which featured a manticore obsessed wizard tower, a manticore vs.